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Joy, Laughter, Tears and Love… 02/28/2011

Posted by pastorhigdon in Uncategorized.

Sunday was a day filled with blessings! It was one of those days that truly confirms that God has not only called me into ministry, but also equips me as well. It all began with worship Sunday morning. Both church services seemed to overflow with a sense of vitality and joy, which could be because both churches were preparing for large afternoon celebrations. Oak Grove was celebrating the 90th birthday of Mildred Craig a life long member of the church and Fountain was preparing to celebrate the 50th Wedding Anniversary and Renewal of Vows for Billy and Bonnie McCollum also lifelong members. Of course, from a pastoral perspective, wouldn’t you know it that these two historic events would be scheduled at almost the same time! (so goes the life of a pastor)

As I was on my way to Mildred’s birthday party, under a bit of a time constraint, I suddenly became painfully aware that the directions that I had received to the Senior Citizens Center, where the event was to be held, were, shall we say, in error. I stopped and asked an older man coming out of a local market if he knew the area, which he responded that he had lived here his entire life. When I asked him about the Senior Center, he said, “Isn’t that the place up on the hill? No, wait a minute, isn’t it down one of these streets? Or, is that the one that is out there by Walmart?” Oh my, I thought, he’s lived here his entire life and he’s asking me????

About the time I was figuring out that I would have to go to plan B, even though I had no idea what plan B was, a van pulled up and rolled down its window. “Are you lost?” Thank goodness, it was one of my parishioners. “Yes I’m afraid so!” I sheepishly responded. “Well, you’re in luck,”  he said, “you can follow me.” I have to admit, that God is really good to me. (much better than I deserve) What seemed to be heading towards a certain disaster, quickly became a great victory. I was able to arrive at the Birthday party and spend time with Mildred and her family before needing to leave for the Renewal of Vows service at Fountain.

As I reflect on the Renewal of Vows service and party at Fountain, I must say that they were truly memorable. There were so many in attendance, around 200, that we had to move chairs into the sanctuary, which is a first for me. The music, which was beautiful, was highlighted by a lady who also sang for the couple 50 years ago. Everything about the celebration seemed to go perfectly, including God weighing in on the festivities. The moment I pronounced them husband and wife again… a loud clap of thunder echoed through the valley. I took that as God voicing approval.

Sunday was filled with joy, laughter, tears and love. I don’t think that life (or ministry) gets any better than that.



1. Judy Schoonover - 02/28/2011

As a pastor, you need and deserve one those affirming days…too bad they both came at once…you are definately right about the mood in church when an event is following in the same afternoon. It is good for all involved to have these joyous occasions….

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